Cosmetic Injections


Anti-wrinkle treatment is a cosmetic procedure, involving muscle relaxant injections that reduce and flatten wrinkles which in turn helps to produce firmer, brighter, and tighter skin. They can also be used to help reshape the face; as well as a preventative measure to maintain a more youthful appearance as you mature

The treatment is ideal for:

  • Frown and laughter lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Bunny lines around your nose
  • Smokers lines
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Teeth Grinding and Migraines

Injections generally last between 3 to 6 months, depending on lifestyle factors.  Excessive exercise, or stress can cause the body to metabolise the product faster in some people.

We offer a range of products to provide the best results for your areas of concern. 

It is highly recommended each patient returns for a review appointment 2 weeks post treatment.

Interested in learning other ways to treat collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.


Collagen-stimulating fillers, also known as biostimulators, don’t just add volume they help create new collagen. These products contain ingredients that stimulate the body’s natural collagen production process.  Ideal treatment to appear more youthful looking without appearing like you’ve had work done.

The treatment is ideal for:

  • Cheek volume
  • Nasolobial folds
  • Jowls
  • Under eyes
  • Backs of hands and some areas of the body
  • Treatment of scars

Collagen stimulating products are injected below the surface of the skin to treat volume loss and provide a gradual increase in skin thickness and skin tightening.  Over a few months new collagen is laid down helping to gradually restore fullness to facial wrinkles and folds. This results in a softer and more youthful appearance. 

You may notice immediate results, but it can take a few months to see the full results of your treatment. The average regimen consists of three treatments spread out over three or four months. The results appear gradually as your collagen production increases, and lasts up to two years. 

Collagen stimulating fillers have also become a popular choice to enhance buttocks for those looking to add more definition to their appearance.

Please book a Cosmetic Consultation with Dr Ryan to discuss this treatment.

Interested in learning other ways to treat collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


After a certain age, our faces begin to lose volume due to a decrease in our collagen production. Dermal fillers can help minimize these signs of ageing with the ability to replace the depleted collagen.  Filler can be used to help lift and add support; soften wrinkles as well as enhancing volume and hydrating the skin.  Dermal fillers are also used to treat deep creases, acne scars; as well as sculpting and contouring to enhance or balance the shape of your face.

The treatment is ideal for:

  • Lip enhancement
  • Reshape noses, chins and jawlines
  • Cheek volume
  • Under eyes, tear troughs
  • Backs of hands
  • Nasolabial folds, marionette Lines

Dermal fillers work by injecting hyaluronic acid into your skin. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that stabilises structure, attracts and binds water, and improves elasticity. We offer an extensive range of premium quality dermal fillers to provide the best product and results for your areas of concern. 

It is highly recommended each patient returns for a review appointment 2 weeks post treatment.

Interested in learning other ways to treat collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.


Hyperhidrosis is the condition of extreme excessive sweating. While sweating is a normal bodily function, some people naturally sweat more than others. Hyperhidrosis affects both males and females and is normally most active in the hands, feet and armpits because of their relatively high concentration of sweat glands.

​Treatment for excessive sweating is via the use of muscle relaxants, commonly used for anti-wrinkle treatments. Anti-wrinkle injections block the nerves that trigger the sweat glands This treatment can significantly reduce and/or cease sweating all together.

Results vary per individual and may last up to 12 months from a single treatment.  Patients may need several injections for effective results.

Please book a consultation with Dr Ryan to discuss this treatment.
Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


Are you concerned about a double chin?  Double chins can be treated with fat dissolving injections.  This clinically proven procedure removes ‘submental’ fat, the fat pocket underneath the chin, using active ingredients that naturally occur in your body (deoxycholic acid/sodium deoxycholate).  The injections target the affected area to dissolve and eliminate the fat cells. Once the body breaks down and metabolises the fat, the result is a more sculpted jaw line.  

For most people 2 or more treatments are required, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.  Some may experience slight swelling, redness, and tenderness after the injections, as the fat destruction is underway.  As with all cosmetic injections, please be aware that individual results may vary. 

Please book a Cosmetic Consultation with Dr Ryan to discuss this treatment.

Interested in learning other ways to rejuvenate or contour your face? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


Lip Filler

Some people want fuller lips, some people are unhappy with the shape or symmetry of their lips.  Others want to reduce the lines surrounding their mouths – as we age our lips lose volume.

Dermal filler volumises and hydrate the lips and skin, producing smoother, fuller lips. Dermal filler can be injected into the upper & lower lips and even the lip border. The products used and the distribution of filler within the lips is tailored to suit the symmetry of the mouth and desired outcome.

Lip fillers can last anywhere between 6-18 months depending on the individual’s metabolism and lifestyle.

Lip Flip

Another way to achieve a fuller upper lip is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure, called a “lip flip”.  The procedure involves anti-wrinkles injections into your upper lip to relax the muscles and “flip” your lip upward.

This muscle relaxation can also help smooth vertical lines around the lips. Most patients notice the effects within a few days of treatment, with full results 2 weeks post treatment. The effects of anti-wrinkles for lips lasts up to three to four months.

Interested in learning other ways to rejuvenate or re-shape your face? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.


Grinding of teeth and clenching of the jaw is a common issue and has a medical name:  Bruxism.   Most common in adults over 25 years old, bruxism affects up to 80% of the population. Not only can Bruxism cause tooth wear and tear, but can also cause headaches and migraines. 

Muscle relaxants i.e., anti-wrinkle treatments (botulinum toxin) can be injected into the masseters to reduce the signals between the muscles and nerves.  This will reduce clenching, and it will also help with any accompanying tension and headaches. 

Anti-wrinkle injections usually start to work within a week but can take up to two weeks for full effect, and these effects generally last 3 to 6 months.

Please book a consultation with Dr Ryan to discuss this treatment.
Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


Also known as Injectable Rhinoplasty or a Non-Surgical Nose Job.  This procedure uses dermal filler to produce a more desirable shape to the nose without surgery. Injectable fillers are used to camouflage bumps or indentations, correcting the nasal bridge and/or nasal tip to create the desired results.  

Injectable Rhinoplasty can bring balance to a patient’s face and make a nose appear smaller, without changing the size.

Interested in learning other ways to rejuvenate or contour your face? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a popular skin rejuvenating treatment.  Often referred to as “the Vampire Facial” due to the use of the patient’s own blood in the treatment. 

In PRP, the healing platelets from blood plasma are separated from a patient’s own blood and are injected as well as needled into the face.  Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells.  They contain growth factors, special biologically active proteins that play an important role in tissue healing and regeneration.  Once injected, PRP acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow and regenerate tissue.  

In the simplest of terms, PRP injections use each individual patient’s own healing system to improve skin texture and tone.

The treatment is ideal for:

  • Dark circles around the eyes
  • Smoothing premature aging skin
  • Treating the crow’s feet
  • Aging skin around the neck and decolletage areas

PRP works to naturally smooth and tighten the skin, creating a more youthful, plumper appearance.

You may notice immediate results, but it can take a few months the see the full results of your treatment.  The average regimen consists of 3 treatments spread out over 6 to 9 months. The results appear gradually as your collagen production increases.

Interested in learning other ways to collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


A thread lift is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that helps to restore lost facial volume. For many patients, the thread lift procedure can result in a relaxed, refreshed appearance, while preserving and enhancing the natural contour of the face. 

The treatment is ideal for:

  • Reducing jowls and strong nasolabial folds,
  • Strengthening jawlines
  • Smoothing premature aging skin
  • Lifting drooping soft tissue

The threads are inserted within the layers of the skin, to stimulate and accelerate your own collagen and elastin production, creating a natural facial lifting.

These threads are made from a dissolving suture material, leaving your own natural collagen in the treated area, resulting in a lifted, plumper and more youthful complexion.

The results are immediately apparent and continue to improve over time as the threads dissolve, resulting in progressively tighter skin and redefined facial contours.  The procedure is relatively simple and convenient, with no downtime and results generally last between 6 and 18 months.

Please book a consultation with Dr Ryan to discuss this treatment.

Interested in learning other ways to treat collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129


Dermal Filler is an effective treatment for ear shaping and ear wrinkles, by injecting dermal filler (hyaluronic acid) at the base of the lobe you can lift the opening and have your earrings sit better and give your ears a more youthful appearance.

Interested in learning other ways to treat collagen loss and reduced skin elasticity? Check out our GOOD TO KNOW advice posts.

Call the Clinic to arrange a consultation on 9544 1129